A heartfelt hello and a word hug to each dear person who subscribes to my humble Substack page, " a blunt oregon girl."
Holy Spirit nudged me to simply reach out periodically and say thank you to each of my subscribers.
While my Substack is a tiny and hidden corner of the Internet, it is still a ministry of sorts for me, where I not only share the blunt truths about the lies I experienced in the sexual revolution, but also my love of the healing power of modest clothing and my more recent series on “ love letters to the poor."
In this hard hitting and aggressive culture, even addressing the poor with a loving respect and empathy ( including ME), is somewhat of an unusual thing. Having been a member of the working poor for over 4 decades, I fully understand the sorrow of the financially challenged.
In the spirit of the many admonitions of the Bible to treat the poor with kindness, I sincerely seek to use these humble writings to empathize, comfort, encourage and lift up. There will be NO tough love here, only a conduit for how the great Comforter Himself, Holy Spirit, is a FREE, kind and profound help in any trouble. Along with the overwhelming love of Christ, Holy Spirit binds up our wounds and leads us THROUGH AND OUT of the valley of the shadow! No camping out there ( I tell this to myself!) and a greater Comforter there never was! He shows you your own unique gifts that only YOU have on all the Earth. We are all needed and created by God. We become beloved Sons and Daughters of God once we repent of sin (turn away), ask the Lord Jesus to live in your heart and begin to walk day by day as beloved members of the Household of God.
The journey is not always fun nor easy and many many times, I have collapsed in a gnarly heap on the cold ground and tried to give up...and yet the Lord Jesus Christ, Y'shuah, says repeatedly, "FEAR NOT" and "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." This is not the cold intellect, nor is it overheated emotion. It is profound truth of the Son of God and His incredible love for sorrowful humanity. He has saved me from the depths more times than I can count.
Cast all your burdens on Him and day by day, sincerely seek His counsel and He will guide you Home to Him, while helping you to use the gifts God gave you.
I value every single penny that my subscribers have invested in this humble corner of Substack. I take nothing for granted.
God bless you all! Until my next piece, a hug from afar,
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