A Modesty Dustup:
Some repercussions of our presentation
Can there be too much display of our body? Yes, indeed there can.
Why not flaunt it? Why not show all your assets? Why not display your female empowerment? Display to WHOM? Those who love and respect you? Likely not…
In my nearly 70 years of living (to Nov. 2022), I have seen both sides of this argument. The more women push for “equality”, the less it seems to manifest for both female and male. Arguments, stridency, anger, strife, chaos roams at will in modern USA. Any attempt at slowing down the rampant trainwreck is soundly dismissed as “sexist” or anti-female.
I have been in the trenches with all this, through the pit of the sexual revolution of my youth and I can reasonably say this is incorrect.
This is a huge festering mess that pours out onto innocents (little kids) and trashes many lives. Flaunting your physical self before the profane does not empower in any way. This does not denigrate sexuality but rather places it into the sacred arena God made for husband and wife. “Organs of reproduction” are for reproduction first, as that is their core function in all living beings. After that core function is defined, the joining of male and female further creates the “one flesh” that God speaks of . Since I have not been formally married, nor had children, I cannot speak for certain elements of this. I can, however, speak from the very painful repercussions of intemperate living, which I was at one time, a sorrowful expert. I learned the hard way and hence, my words of gentle warning from a battle-scarred veteran of many sexual partners, both male and female. It is not innocent!
I will be sharing ahead, my blunt experiences and what I actually mean by “modesty.”
As a woman of God and follower of Christ and returned wounded Prodigal who wandered away from God for 35 years, I have seen both sides. I would not return to the "faux freedom” for any price. God’s ways are better. I will be returning soon with shared ideas of what modesty means and the reason for it.
Thanks to all who consider my hard-won learnings, gathered from the midst of the storm of modern life in USA.
For now, goodnight,