It would appear at this tumultuous time in human history, there are forces who want to “educate" CHILDREN on HOW to have sex, not simply the basics of puberty changes and HOW LIFE IS MADE! This is “alternative” sex as well as basic plumbing.
These forces are not about the fundamentals of the male and female human reproductive system. One would think or even consider that the core function of sex in any creature out there is to...REPRODUCE. Other elements can be learned by husband and wife later. Yes, I am “one of those” who believes sexuality is best shared only within the marriage covenant of one man and one woman for life. This Conservative atttitude is profoundly based on my FRONT-LINE disastrous experiences from age 18 to 28, in the tumult of promiscuity (meaning multiple STD’s, two unplanned pregnancies that ended in abortion in 1973, emotional chaos, broken hearts, broken education and financial carnage.) Nothing good came from that and I learned the very severe lessons of why God has parameters of marrige between one man and one woman. He makes wise counsel and we have wandered from it, to terrible results, as per what I am discussing in my Substack and this post. Hey, I spent a decade in profound rebellion and paid a steep price for it. This is an ongoing “Blunt Oregon Girl book of warning!”
I had basic sex education in 7th grade, at age 12. The basics were basic: the changes happening to our bodies as we begin the transition from childhood to adolescence. Those changes for girls included the menstrual period and the appearance of breasts and pubic hair, the widening of hips and some basic crash course on uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and a monthly egg released. The changes for boys included facial hair, deepening voice, pubic hair and some changes to the genitals themselves. It was all quite overwhelming and relatively uncomfortable. How boys reacted, I do not know. The basics of sperm meets egg is the rock bottom core. Lots of embarrassment and giggling abounded.
Now it seems things like oral sex, anal sex, homosexual sex, sex toys, bdsm, et al, are being presented, much to the dismay of parents and at least some young people.
This is pure and raw evil and must be resisted. Even in basic sex education, kids are not really taught how to actually have sex, only the mechanics of the changes in plumbing changes.
The human race has been "figuring this out" for thousands of years. I also don't think kids need to be taught alternative sexuality. In a high school class, an elective that is approved by parental consent, other discussions can happen. Elementary and junior high kids do not need to know these other details. Sex education is basic to how LIFE is made.
Stick to sperm meets egg and life can be made, not cans of lube and sex toys. Life is only made one way, male meets female.
Ww 6-29-22