
Thank you, Wendy. This was a straightforward and honest post. I enjoyed reading the content. As an editor & friend, I would encourage you to place a space between your paragraphs to make the reading flow more smoothly and dynamic. Secondly, keep paragraphs to around 120 words. By maintaining these two editorial goodies, you will attract more readers.

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Dr. Phinney, thank you, will do! WEW

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Awesome! I want you to excel in being a writer and testament of Papa God.

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Dr. Phinney, thank you. I will always accept gentle feedback. A slam-dunk does not work for me but gentle feedback will. My own dear Editor friend Vicki Weiland is in Heaven since June 2021 and I am roughing it on my own because I simply do not trust others to touch my writing. I certainly know the need to edit, which I do as I go along. I actually did think about the paragraph breaks...I do not know why I did not use them! Next time, I will. Humble thanks for reading my work, as I do for your important posts as well. Ministry is a narrow line between edifying and scolding. You do it so well! WEW

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Jun 8Liked by Wendy Elizabeth Williams

Well, if anyone understands this, it's me. From the days of Jane teaching me how to read & write to droves of editors picking apart my flaws, it has been a humble journey in my endeavors of writing. It hurts like Hel* but in the end, people have come to appreciate my writings.

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