
Pastor McKinney, glad I could give a word of encouragement. I don't think many understand the wounds that snark can cause. It is cynicism writ large and part of our dark culture. One thing I do is to pour out my heart before the Father every night, getting the " stuff" off my soul and keeping in repentance . Just as King David had his " rants" before Papa, it unburdens my heart and clears things out before they take more root. God bless you especially for being a Pastor, one of the toughest jobs on earth ( next to being a parent!!). Know you are held in humble respect by many, including myself. Godspeed to you! Wendy

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Wow, this is absolutely powerful, sister. What a journey you have shared—thanks for the refuge in this essay. I will be following and supporting you. Keep up God's work. All the love, just subscribed.

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I like. Great write. Ms Snark speaks no more. Changed radically by the Savior. My wife and I have 7 girls and a son. and the last is a teen. Snark is abundant in our house right now. She was born when my wife was nearly 46 with me being 49. We know that the Lord is building a story in her. Thanks for speaking out in candor. The youngest generation needs to hear they we were young once and had the same challenges

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Wendy, thank you! I’m a recovering Snark as well. Good to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. What makes snark particularly hard for me to overcome is the fact that I have people in my life that say, “I only snark with those I love.” Even when you snark in a lighthearted way, it’s amazing how fast it can become extreme.

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"Verbal bullying creates deep scars." This is so true, Wendy Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad you are back in the arms of your beloved. We live in a harsh world where we had to build up walls to protect ourselves, but now we know we have a God who loves us and will protect us. One by one, we can let go of our defenses and become soft, meek, and humble like our master, Jesus Christ.

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