Another great piece. I look forward to hearing from the Blunt Oregon Girl every week!

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Humble thanks, Joan!!!!

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Matthew 6:25-34

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Selina, excellent choice of scripture for the subject matter of trusting in God for His mercy and provision! Not easy to do, I still struggle with it…but God IS merciful and gracious.

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Wendy, it's so nice to read about a different one percent for a change!!!

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I agree, Jan, that is why I chuckled when Papa God gave me this title! God has a sense of humor, amazing!!

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Reading this was like a warm blanket with a cuppa tea on a cold winter morning. Bless you dear one.

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Heartfelt thanks for such a wonderful comment, Amy! This means so much to me! I labor to create inspiring and encouraging writing pieces for all who take the time to read my work. Bless you! Wendy

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Yes, you can! :) God bless you dear Wendy.

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So encouraging to read. So well expressed. 🙏🏻♥️

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