Emotions profoundly affect the body
"Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest." Jesus Christ from Matthew 11:28
Generations endure change, every twenty years or so, the same and yet the different. A margin of error and mostly nothing primeval or too deep truly happens, as the human condition keeps rolling, stumbling on, some in sheer momentum, some in a tempestuous, rowdy ramble off-road into the muddy ditch water. Humans being the gnarly as well as the hopeful, change is gradual, less momentous. It is very difficult to move the dial.
The older I get, the more the introspection occurs. I am a very deep person, hence why I mostly remain alone, as I do not resonate with 98% of humans . The oddball professor works for me, wandering the library stacks and the realm of the Spirit in search of wisdom.
2023 and nearby years reveal a deep, suppurating gash forming especially over the female of the human species, formed out of cynicism as a raw defense against being slam dunked. Dismay persists and deepens, loss of hope and loss of love grows, the emotional wounds of the centuries-old battle 'tween men and women, seeing no resolve and gasoline poured over the crackling flames. The darkness of the age- old CYNIC builds in the shabby, dirty shadows.
In some women, the very planes of the face have been changed, from the softer and more fleshy feminine display of days past. Cheekbones change to SHARP, sunken, jutting and angular, not rounded or tender.
I myself in youth, scoffed at Mothers and makers of homes, as if the ladder of success was the best to aim for (although I was never a rousing business success, not even close). The scoffing is at epidemic force, with the violent, virulent scraping out of bothersome, messy babies. How dare LIFE interrupt MY LIFE?
Sculpted cheek bones, hollow, edgy, bombastic, stomping all about and yet all the while, mourning the need for love and companionship, including family or friends.
Cynicism makes the face hard and cold. Men can become more arrogant and base, women can become more strident and predatory. Having one's heart broken so many times and seeing the abject blather that passes for "truth" pouring over our society, this is not a good thing for health or well-being.
I was hardly the shrinking violet in my youth, as per my disastrous and sorrowful journey through the debauchery and rebellion that was the sexual revolution of the 1960's and 1970's. I was a temperamental and yet skinny voluptuary and I paid a staggering price for all that bad behavior. I have lived in steep retreat to all that, since 2002. I sincerely hope my face at 70, does not reflect the hard and cold. While I am not a particularly "fluffy girl", I do remain aware of the need to cast the cynic off my shoulders. It does not help my spirit nor my body.
On my various Pinterest pages, I explore the beauty of modest women's garments, including the tender, the sweet (not sicky-sweet!), the comforting, the kind, the blessed and dignified and even the sometimes playful. Seduction has no part in my life. Presentation of kindness and the beauty of God and His Son is a powerful healing agent and I have no desire to show off. Not that I ever did show off physically....but I was quite the seductress in my youth, not by display but by my attitude and primal "presence". This was not a great idea and brought me only sadness, illness, two abortions and multiple times of a broken heart.
I can look at the faces of models and women from the past, especially early to mid-1950's and also early 1960's. The sheer structure of the face was different. Yes, I know the times are "different" but my point remains, hard and cold does not look great, especially on women. I am not naive! I have lived in the trenches of sexual rebellion and made it out as a survivor but am spending the rest of my days in fellowship with God and the Lord Jesus, to both repair my damaged life and to act as a humble conduit of God's healing love to others of the brokenhearted state.
As a former feminist, I certainly agree that women have legitimate grievances against men and social structure...and yet the angry and frozen shell that has formed over some women, including the transsexual craze, is as dystopian as it gets. Dissonance, dissing, condemnation of the core of the feminine spirit, hardness overtaking the Motherly spirit, (and I do not mean the "earth mother", as the earth is not my Mom), this is a disaster of huge proportions. I weep with it all, as my own heart is wounded as well. I am spending the rest of the years I have left, in repentance and in working with God to heal my own deeply wounded soul and body. ONLY God can do this healing. While I did not ever have children, little kids are in desperate need to have a soft place to land, with both Dad and Mom in one house. No perfection needed, but a place of acceptance and comfort to deal with the hardships of life as it is thrown at all of us.
HELP US , GOD, we have made such a mess. Only You and Your Son can heal the brokenhearted and transform us into conduits for Your healing love.
Wendy Williams 1-21-2023
1- 21-2023
You noted the different facial structures of the women in the 50’s and 60’s. We just watched “It’s a wonderful Life” again for the umpteenth time. This time it struck me how absolutely beautiful Donna Reed was.