May 21Liked by Wendy Elizabeth Williams

Mythology is full of cautionary tales. Shakespeare wrote tragedies. There is redemption in such stories if they show people what to avoid. I'm a cautionary tale too. But we're still alive, and can add our voices to the song leading people in a better direction. Your words are raw and beautiful and compelling.

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Selina, I just tried to edit my reply to you and for some reason, the edit of two typos is not "taking". Sorry for this, I type too fast sometimes.... WEW

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May 21·edited May 21Author

Selina, thank you! I think the reason Shakespeare has lasted so long in humanity is directly that he spoke both of tragedy and comedy, the human condition. I believe as Elders, people need to simply and humbly share the bumps and pitfalls along the road, for others coming behind. Few will deeply listen, as most of us have to learn by doing and falling and rising…but shared humanity is key. Blessings to you, I am now heading to make a comment on your powerful “housewife” piece!! WEW

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Thank you!!! 🙌🌸

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Thank you!

I did not see a link to a tip or coffe donation in this page.

God bless you!!!

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An K., thank you back! I do have a written link at the bottom of the writing page, for my Ko-Fi page, but not an actual hyperlink and in the future, I will make sure to have an easy hyperlink. I never want to be presumptuous. Here is my Ko-Fi link: https://ko-fi.com/wendyelizabethwilliams . I hope this works. Blessings to you, An K. WEW

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Look UP. Yes, yes, yes. Good work, Wendy.

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Thank you, Jan! I agree, I spend too much time looking down. Far too many decades of "head down in survival mode" and not enough looking UP to the One Who can help me! Learning still. Blessings to you! WEW

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You are not alone, you are heard your voice Matters.

Hold tight sis, it's not easy I know. I wrestle those dark times as well. Only Christ sustains me.

One thing to remember.

He has faith in you as well. " For I call you not as servants, but, as friends."

That is success.

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Thank you, Donn. The very action of putting words down on paper and then the keyboard and screen, does seem like a catharsis of sorts, for us who write. So much sadness out there but

“ I know my Redeemer liveth” and I will hold fast to His hand scarred for me, until He calls me Home. Blessings to you! WEW

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